Thursday, March 5, 2009

Our Snowbaby

March 5, 2009

Today we were able to go outside for a few minutes to finish up the snowmen we started a couple of weeks ago. Until today we just had a bunch of snowballs stacked on top on one another with arms attached. Emily tried helping roll the snow balls, but she couldn't figure out how to lift the ball to roll it instead of pushing in (fingers up), so the ball just crumbled. The arms were about the only thing Emily helped with because she couldn't roll the balls and was more interested in eating snow. How she LOVES to eat snow! Anyway, here are some pics of our finished product. As we finished rolling the balls for the Emily-sized snowman, she walked up to it, threw her arms around it and excitedly yelled, "I love it!"

March 5, 2009
March 5, 2009

March 5, 2009- Josias at 6 months
March 3, 2009