Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Yet Another Move Down!

Wow! I guess it's been a while since I've had anything to say. Okay, maybe the time has just been filled by other things. Geez, what has gone on since the middle of May? Let's see...around the middle of April, we received a most pitiful lease offer from our landlord. She thought we would find the lease terms fair for everyone. Anyway, details aside, we figured from the lease terms that they either wanted to rip us off or run us off. "Fair for everyone" obviously meant fair for them and fair for......uh....them. We decided to cut our losses and move. I spent two weeks in April looking for a place to live (which is practically impossible since we were wanting to sign a 6-month lease ending in December). The next four weeks were spent packing a bajillion boxes. Thankfully, our church family (GOD BLESS THEM!) helped us move the bajillion boxes. I think they're still having leg cramps and hacking up dust bunnies! Then came the thorough cleaning of the old premises. The landlord's friend came to do the final inspection. I honestly felt like choking the poor man when he said, "Huh, it looks like the yard needs to be mowed." He said the rest of the house looked fine. I had hoped on calling it a day when he left, but spent the next three hours mowing grass while Josias cried in the play yard. Emily kept wanting to ride him like a horse, and I'm sure she was also periodically bonking him with some sort of toy.

So that takes us to June 1st or so. The next three weeks were spent unpacking and cleaning at the new place. A lot of stuff will not see the light of day until the professional movers come in a few months. If you're in Gallup, plan on coming to a huge yardsale some time in April 2010!

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