Site of the nativity play
Emily (Michelin Girl) and Shane
Pop & GG
We were invited by Annette, a second-generation Haines local, to the annual firing of the canon, house lighting, fireworks, bonfire, and living nativity play. We bundled the kids up in their Michelin Man snowsuits and headed out the door at about 4:45 only to make it downtown at about 2 minutes until 5. The canon was located at the upper end of what seemed to be a parade field that sat on a slight incline. The field was surrounded by sizable, beautiful historic Victorian homes. I think it was in the middle of what the locals refer to as the Ft. Seward historic district. I couldn't locate my camera during the day, so I didn't get any pictures of the houses, but you can get an idea of what they looked like from (I'm hoping to get to peek into a B & B tomorrow some time. :-)
Just as we shut the doors to the vehicles, the canon blasted and all the historic houses around the field lit up with Christmas lights. Emily enjoyed the fireworks that closely followed. We trekked to the other side of the parade field to a little souvenir shop to watch a little Christmas play, but by the time we made it all the way around, the play was over. A local choir sang Christmas songs after the play as other locals stoked a bonfire for a weenie roast. Apparently the cold, Shane's stomach, or Emily's whining drowned out the choir, because Shane was ready to go get something else to eat. Mona and I drove around in circles with the kids trying to find our way back to the hotel because, apparently, the navigator does not work well here. It had us driving on a parallel street. So much for technology. It's a good thing the town is so small-Shane and Larry were able to find us in our lost state to guide us back to the Eagle's Nest after they had already returned to the hotel and ordered a pizza.
I think we're planning on attending services tomorrow at Haines Baptist which meets in the local Senior Center. On that note, I think it's time for this lady to call it a day.
Glad you guys are able to have some fun on the road trip. I don't think we'll have that luck. Josias looks like a yummy little marshmallow! I thought I saw Em when she was little back in MD. And of course the little pink Michelin girl is cute as always. I'll be praying that your journey continues to be safe.